Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Busy Busy

Busy day today, planted most of the shallot sets. Dug in some of the cow's manure that's been on some of the ground over the winter. Mulched the autumn raspberries with well rotted manure Which should increase water retention and suppress the weeds. Watered the fruit trees we planted last autumn, even tho it's winter the ground is dry where there is no mulch, so they need mulching soon. And I have done lots and lots of hoeing...... Made first contact with my nemisis for 2012 when I was digging today, Horsetail is all over one of our allotments (Allotment 1) which has been in hiding all winter ,waiting...... I ll talk more about Horsetail another time, it is A big pain in my backside. Some info on Horsetail

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fun Guy!

Don't worry I'm not growing, cooking or eating these, 
I was impressed with the size of them 
so took a photo.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is it spring?

With temperatures in our sun room reaching over 30 degrees Celsius
some of our plants might be getting the wrong idea....... there might be rain and cold weather on the way?

Seed Tin

As you can see from our seed tin, we have a very busy time ahead.

It does have neat little partitions to keep everything organised,
well I do my best.

To store seeds for a short time, keep them dry
out of light and cool but with no risk of frost

This tin was a gift, it works well.
I place seeds I save myself in envelops marked with
what, when and where!
This is important, write it down.

So a big thanks to JA & NC for the tin.
There was a bottle of rum inside but this has disappeared?