Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hairy little fruits

 After waiting quite a while for the Kiwi to spring into action, we finally have fruits, which are
coming along a treat.

Late Feb buds explode with the sunny weather

It starts to grow quickly

I was suppose to plant it outside, I never got around to it

Regular watering & feeds, it seems happy enough inside 

 Hopefully we will plant it outside next year, maybe so it can grow over a
arbour or trellis?


  1. Kiwi?! Amazing. First time I've visited your blog - I like your pictures and love the fact you've got a kiwi plant! Am now following.

    1. All of this is still very early stages, blogging & gardening, we moved into our new home early 2011,
      our first garden. Now we have a veg plot & TWO allotments, plus a blog to manage,
      I another life I must have been a farmer......and evil farmer.

      Thanks for looking at & following our blog, the Kiwi plant is going to be interesting
      we can't wait to see what happens.
      I'll keep you posted!

  2. I guess that your kiwi is self fertile. We have a couple of large ones on the plots but so far tha male hasn't flowered so we haven't had any fruit. One problem with being outside is that the frost badlt affects it and kills the young leaves. They do resprout but it gives it a set back. No flowers on either plant so far this year

    1. Yes it is self fertile, I think it is called Kiwi solo.
      I have wanted one ever since a friend of mine saw one, he told me how great they looked.
      Mine should produce 100s of small kiwi rather than normal sized ones.
      As I mentioned it should have been planted outside, but it just never happened,
      It does get very hot in the room it is in, some leaves have been burnt pretty bad by last weeks good weather.
      Good luck with your Kiwi plants, and I ll keep you posted.
